‘off the shelf’ applications provided with support and training, are
briefly described below. For further information
please contact Info@StardustIT.com
Autosite - Document Control:
A site-based document control package for construction projects. Autosite organises distribution of drawings and
manages method statements, RFI/TQs, instructions and other site
correspondence. Autosite has extensive built-in
reporting capability and is suitable for both traditional and design and
build projects.
Database (FF&E): designed to control all aspects of
schedules within a PFI project. This application controls revisions and
full cost details of all schedules, control ordering and builds a full
asset management tool. Available for Client or Bidder, and if both
options are used, information
can be swapped between the two.
- Personnel and Training for Schools: A database
for use in independent boarding and day schools storing data and
reporting on salaries / jobs / absence and training requirements (both
fulfilled and outstanding), plus many, many other features. Produces
inspection checklists and warnings reports - the perfect "Centralised Register".
Control: A
database for use in Construction for controlling subcontractors and
spend. Use as a tool for authorising orders and amendments and raising
certificates for payment, as well as issuing and monitoring notifications
for change. This database will check order values and insurance status
before allowing payments to be authorised. Authorisation structure is
stored in the database. eports - the perfect "Centralised Register".